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Finding routines and balance in daily life

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🎧 “Finding routines and balance in daily life”
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Over the past five years, I’ve been working hard to find a workout routine that would allow me to maintain strength, flexibility, and overall general wellness, that didn’t require me to dedicate two hours a day between driving to and from the gym and the actual workout. Not only did I not want to carve those hours out of my day anymore, but I also started to battle fatigue, so I couldn’t sustain my rigorous workouts of the past any longer. 

It took a year or two, but I finally settled on a workout routine that included rebounding (jumping on a mini trampoline) and doing small sets of strength training throughout the day. I also started working from home (along with the rest of the world in 2020) and needed to build new habits so that I didn’t just sit and work the day away. Once I figured out my daily rhythm, all was well for a few more years until we moved to Florida last summer. Between the move, getting settled into a new life, and then changing careers, my routine has pretty much gone out the window these last 12 months!

In the past, when I would miss a workout or break a long-established routine, I would beat myself up over it and get frustrated. Over the years, however, I’ve learned to give myself a little more grace and not get caught up in strict regimens that I was inevitably going to fail at. Life is too short and precious to dwell on the things we didn’t do and it’s important to be present in our lives, appreciating the things we are doing at any particular moment.

Don’t get me wrong, I am still a little disappointed that it took me a year to figure out how to get back into my workout routine. I didn’t take the year off, but I was definitely inconsistent in my workouts. I would argue, however, that inconsistent workouts are better than none. Health, strength, and overall wellness are still things that I value and work to achieve, so finding a way back to a sustainable workout routine was important. 

Now that I’m over the hurdle of settling into our home, wrapping up a job of nearly 14 years, and learning skills and laying the groundwork for a new career, I’m figuring out a good daily rhythm and my workouts are becoming more and more consistent by the day.

I share this to motivate you to not wait until Monday to start something new or develop a habit, start today. It doesn’t have to be perfect. Give yourself grace as you go and enjoy the ride. Life is full of twists and turns; one thing we know for sure, it is unpredictable. So do what you can today and learn to adapt and grow as your life evolves. And if you’re like me and you’ve missed a few more workouts than you’d like, don’t beat yourself up, just get back on that horse!

Until next time, be strong, be grateful, and keep going!

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